Aluna Curatorial Collective
May 14, 2021
Dagoberto Rodríguez: Crystal Planet
(Wall Street International Magazine, March, 2021) By Aluna Curatorial Collective (Adriana Herrera and Willy Castellanos) The 20th century...
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Willy Castellanos
May 14, 2021
Territorios marginales: Farewell Gables Trailers Park. Sobre la Trailers de Sebastián Elizondo
(Español | Wall Street International Magazine, Abril 2021) Por Willy Castellanos En camino a convertirse en una megalópolis, Miami es...
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Willy Castellanos
May 14, 2021
José Ney: Small Stories in the Lower Half of the World
Notes on the Social Landscape in Cuban Photography of the ’90s. (English | Wall Street International Magazine, May 2021) By Willy...
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